
Showing posts from September, 2020

Time Strategies

( , a clock with an arrow going clockwise) Time management is going to be seriously important this year. Avoiding procrastination, separating relaxation time and work time in the same place, and being comfortable to do so will all be major parts of our year. I found a few articles resonated with me. What I took from the article is that we need to whittle down our to do lists to the bare bones and process it in its simplest forms. We need to look at what is right there in front of us. I felt like the message was that once it's simple, it'll be easy. List priorities, start work as soon as possible - these two things I specifically began doing last February when I felt overwhelmed in my first semester. It helped me stay on top of things and avoid guilt when I wasn't working. The article also touched on listing priorities and ticking these off. It gives you a sense of accomplishment. It also talks a lot about planning fun,

Week 2 - Technology Overview

I think this year will be the most challenging year in terms of technology. Being at home for all or at least most of our classes will be difficult in so many ways. The usual face-to-face has been taken away and now it's all  online.  I often find being with friends in lectures and labs helps as sometimes asking your lecturer a question feels stupid but asking your friends feels easier. That is kind of gone now because you have to then text your friends and questions aren't always conveyed the same through text as they would through word. I also think it'll be hard to get everything to work perfectly every time. Between everyone's wifi, their laptops, Microsoft teams, the lecturers' presentations - there's a lot more that has to be relied on. And lastly, because we're at home, motivation may be harder to come across. The want to just crawl back in to bed or watch Netflix is much stronger because it's much easier to access. We're not in an academic se

Week 2 - Overview of the Assignments

I'm looking forward to this module as I find it'll be challenging but not impossible. I don't have a huge interest in the behind the scenes of games, how they work, what they can do. But I do know that the work can be done at my pace and in my space. If I need to Google something because the explanations don't quite work for me, then I can. That freedom of learning at your own pace, when you have time and energy, makes challenges far less daunting.  I like the idea of points and extra credit too. I think it's more suited to me. I know some people would get into the mindset of 'I'll skip this one, and do the next' and probably do that most weeks, which is why some may be apprehensive in using this method. But as selfish as it sounds, someone else's grades don't concern me. I like this method of learning and I think it should be used more often.  (vector of a black and white thumbs up, ) 

Growth Mindset - What I Discovered

 I'd never specifically heard of the 'Growth Mindset' idea before, but I think that it's something that's already kind of spoken about. I often hear ' If you're the  smartest person in the room , you're in the wrong room '. I think it's often encouraged to look for answers, to not be the smartest person, and to have room to grow your knowledge. I was always encouraged to find something I don't know and instead of accepting I don't know, ask. Find an answer. Ponder. Google it. There's very few things that can't be learned or answered in this world. If we all knew the answer to everything, discussions wouldn't be had, conversations would be boring and no one would have an opinion. There's power in the lack of knowledge too. We have a lot of time on this earth, and it would be incredibly boring to already know everything. For me, I am someone who questions everything. If I don't understand the logic behind something, I st

A Title

Testing Testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing

Introduction Post - I want to talk about music today

(music note in a box with a heart in the righthand corner, ) Hi, I'm Rosie, and unlike most people, I'm an out & proud Taylor Swift fan (sorry). Coincidentally, I am blonde with natural curls but I promise that was since birth and not since I listened to Love Story. Like many Taylor Swift fans, I'm still on a high from Taylor's eighth studio album surprise drop, 'Folklore'. I say this about every album, but I really mean it with this one - I defy anyone who can listen to that album and not find one  song they enjoy. My personal favourites? Mostly all of them, but if I were to be more specific, I'd say: the 1 (catchy, has explicit language, relatable) my tears ricochet (this is a song that you'd send to someone who stabbed you in the back when you're 13 and on MSN but like, more mature) mirrorball (relatable, I promise) the lakes (this could've been on the LC poetry programme maybe) invisible string (this is snazzy and the

My Favourite Game (spoiler, it's Uncharted!)

  (   It didn't take me more than 10 seconds to decide my favourite game series is Uncharted. I've played through all five games countless times on various difficulty levels. It is one game that I don't think I'd ever say no to replaying at any given time. The mechanics, though they changed when the consoles updated from PS3 to PS4, they're easy and customisable. The graphics, like the mechanics, changed with the consoles, but  they're good and even a little ahead of their time, especially in Uncharted 4 and Uncharted: Lost Legacy. (a screenshot of Uncharted 4 from ) The game itself has several aspects to it. It's an action game, where you play mostly as Nathan Drake, an infamous treasure hunter (thief). The thrill comes from many different areas. Of course, you kill the bad guys and it's fast paced because you have to be quick, and you get an adrenaline rush because you have to kill them first!  But the other thrill