Reading Week - Unity Tutorial 04


I found this week's challenge quite difficult. I actually re-watched the entirety of lesson 2 more than once just to understand and even then, I only rehashed everything and chopped and changed until it worked. I feel like these Unity tutorials aren't teaching me much, they're just spouting code relevant but not teaching us how to reiterate them elsewhere. It does frustrate me because I'm concerned I won't be able to even start on my game let alone finish it, get it working and make it decent. It's also made me question my game of choice. I'm reconsidering what I chose because it's so far different from what I've learned that I don't know if I'll be able to apply it to my own creations.

I do think what's going on in the tutorials is interesting and cool but I wish I understood why things work. The guy in the tutorial is talking about if statements, else if, voids and updates and I have no idea what they mean. It took me until this week to understand things from the first tutorials. He's just saying things and because I have no grasp on it, I just can't understand it. It makes the challenges almost impossible because I'm trying to fix something when I wouldn't know it was broken if I wasn't told. 


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