Week 06 - Game Design Document

My GDD can be found at this link: https://www.dundoc.com/project/6894


I have set up my Game Design Document using Dundoc. I'll be using both Dundoc and this blog to document the process. I used the starter game design document that is given in Dundoc to give me a guideline but there's changes that will be made to it. It's quite detailed and so I've taken particular parts out that I may not need now or at all. Granted, this is a game I'll be creating, but I don't work for Ubisoft so I won't have as in-depth of a document as they would.

(screenshot of dundoc.com showing my current list)

I like the idea of a GDD as it's easier to pinpoint particular areas rather than having to scroll through pages upon pages in a document. I also like that it has the ability to constantly be updated. I think it's important for the creative process because it's so common to run into issues or find something that you want to change. At least if it's mapped out in front of you you'll either come across those issues before lifting a finger or you can change them a lot easier.

I don't want to overcomplicate my GDD but I also want to make sure it's comprehensive and simple enough for someone to follow if that was the case. 

(image of a bartender character stood at a bar, flashminigame.wordpress.com)


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