Week 06 - Unity Tutorial 05


(unity logo, en.wikipedia.org)

I found this week of the Unity tutorials a bit better. Maybe because everything from before is a bit more recognizable or maybe because it was an easier tutorial, who knows! I learned about the different animation options there is and particularly found the falling and death functions really funny but interesting too. I like that we're learning about more detail now. I also liked seeing more of Unity and seeing what there is to offer that goes hand in hand with scripts rather than hard coding everything with the lack of knowledge I have.

I still struggle with the code, even though I have more experience with if statements and booleans, ints etc than most in our course. It's still a lot to take in and I feel like because nothing is familiar we're kind of in the deep end. I find that if I can make logical sense of what's being done, I can take it in, but the guy in the tutorial doesn't always explain things and so I have a lot of gaps. I wouldn't say I feel more confident in making my game but I do feel like maybe things are sinking in slowly now and maybe it'll get easier as we move on.


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