Week 3 - Unity Tutorial 1

 I'm not sure if it's my aversion to coding languages (my year dealing with PHP and SQL was not pleasant), but I couldn't quite get to grips with Unity. I didn't enjoy the mechanics of it and how basic it was. Granted, it's free, but it just seemed slow and a bit of an eye sore as a programme. I didn't think the tutorials were bad but I found that it took me three or four videos before I fully understand whatever was mentioned before those three or four videos. Maybe because they were quick videos and one after the other, but I definitely felt like I struggled to have it sink it. That may also change as I get my comfortable with the programme. I'll be able to mess around and see what I can create. The video tutorials were pretty helpful but I came across an issue that I wish I could ask straight away. That's the struggles of online learning and using different learning techniques. But it's something that, again, I'm sure between Google and me messing about with the programme will change. I am looking forward to seeing what else can be done. I thought that the car lesson was really cool but it almost seemed too easy to make something that looks so complex. It'll be interesting to see the end of semester games.

(pixabay.com, a game controller cartoon)


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