Week 19 - Tech Task

I was running out of tech tasks this week, so I thought I'd give a quick tour of the bibliography Chrome Extension I've been using! It's called MyBib and you don't have to use the extension, you can just use the website, but I recommend the extension. You can choose your referencing still and can create a 'project' if you have several papers or reviews on the go. You can import previous bibliographies, you can download a reference list and you can share you project. 

What I really like about it is when you add a citation, it actually tells you how credible it is. Though it should be taken with a pinch of salt, as this is the internet, I weeded out a few website articles through this tool. 

You can sort your citations and search them if there are several. You have the option to copy an in-text citation or a bibliography entry. You can also go back and edit any citation if you misspelled something if you had to enter manually, for example. 


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